Dec 9 2021
We are thrilled to share with you our latest peer-reviewed publication in “Frontiers in Immunology” on the chicken
embryo’s relevance for immune-based studies.
In this review, we compare the human and chicken embryo immune systems, and explain how the latter can be used
as a model for immuno-oncology drug development.
Congratulations to Paul Garcia (PhD Student at IAB/Inovotion), Yan Wang (R&D Project Manager at Inovotion),
Jean Viallet (Inovotion CEO), and Zuzana Macek Jilkova (Scientific Researcher at IAB) for their contributions to
this paper!
Inovotion is very proud to conduct such ambitious and productive research projects in immunology, in collaboration
with the Institute for Advanced Biosciences (IAB- INSERM U1209 CNRS UMR 5309 UGA) at the University of
Grenoble Alpes.
Access the paper for free today!