Sep 24 2019

Inovotion is once again working with the NC3Rs’ CRACK IT Solutions technology partnering programme to showcase its technology

Inovotion is once again working with the NC3Rs’ CRACK IT Solutions technology partnering programme to showcase its technology
The proposed solution focuses on immune-oncology drug screening, and aims to streamline early in vivo efficacy and toxicity evaluation using Inovotion’s model instead of mice (clic here to learn more)
CRACK-IT Solutions allows academics and SMEs to showcase their 3Rs technologies (“Solutions”) to the wider scientific community to identify new partners and customers to use, develop and validate the technology. It provides a gateway for industry and others to horizon scan for new strategically relevant approaches to minimize animal suffering.
In its first approved CRACK IT Solution, Inovotion partnered with AstraZeneca in 2016 to test the utility of a chick egg embryo model to potentially replace mouse xenograft studies in Antibody-Drug Conjugates development (Download publication)
Inovotion warmly thanks Anthony Holmes, Director of Science and Technology, Eleanor Humphrey, Science Manager and the whole Crack-It Team for recognizing the positive 3Rs impact of our innovative in vivo model.

This financed program is a fantastic opportunity for a biotech company or a big pharma company, involved in immuno-oncology, to collaborate with Inovotion. To learn more about it, please contact Philippe Fornies, Business Development Director –


Photo: Dr Anthony Holmes, Director of Science and Technology, NC3Rs (right) and Dr Jean Viallet, CEO Inovotion (left). CRACK IT Review Launch Meeting, London, 11th Sept 2019

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