Dec 12-13 2023

Client Publication from Jerome Collignon, group leader at Institut Jacques Monod

Jérome Collignon and his team from Institut Jacques MonodFaculté de Santé – Université Paris Cité, has just published some very interesting results in an article “LADON, a Natural Antisense Transcript of NODAL, Promotes Tumour Progression and Metastasis in Melanoma” in the journal Non-Coding RNA (MDPI). These results include a CAM assay and a histological analysis done by Inovotion.

We’re always very proud when our CAM assay is used to advance new understanding of cancer and RNA science, and we’re very happy to work with customers like Jérome Collignon and the Institut Jacques MonodFaculté de Santé – Université Paris Cité, doing great science together!

The paper can be downloaded from MDPI:

The full set of peer-reviewed publications made possible through Inovotion’s unique CAM model is available here

oncology cancer preclinical drugdiscovery immunotherapy

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