Mar 28 2024


We are proud to share an article based in part on INOVOTION’s highly efficient CAM assay by Sophie Bakri of the Mayo Clinic (USA), Jeff Lynch, Michelle Howard Sparks, PhD, and Said Saim of EyePoint Pharmaceuticals, and Stephan Saint-Juste of the University of Massachusetts Amherst | Research titled :
“Vorolanib, sunitinib, and axitinib: A comparative study of vascular endothelial growth factor receptor inhibitors and their anti-angiogenic effects” in PLOS ONE.

Download the article here:

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If you too are interested in optimizing your preclinical drug discovery with our powerful evaluation platform, feel free to contact us!

The full set of peer-reviewed publications made possible through INOVOTION’s unique CAM model is available here:

preclinical oncology drugdiscovery

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