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INOVOTION SAS, a company operating under French law, registered under number 811 310 127 and having its head office at 5 Avenue du Grand Sablon, 38700 La Tronche, France.
Website Editor: Jean VIALLET
The publisher undertakes to comply with all laws related to publishing and operating a website.
Hosting services: OVH SAS, a company operating under French law, registered under number 424 761 419 and having its head office at 2 rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix, France
The purpose of this website is to provide non contractual information on INOVOTION SAS, and on the organization, activities and values of INOVOTION SAS. INOVOTION SAS will exercise its best efforts to ensure that information communicated via this website is true and accurate and is kept up to date, and will reserve the right to change the content thereof at any time, without notice. However, INOVOTION SAS cannot guarantee that information or news displayed on the website is true and accurate, fully updated or exhaustive.
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INOVOTION SAS makes every effort to ensure that the information published on this website is accurate and up to date, and reserves the right to alter the content or presentation of the website at any time. It cannot, however, guarantee that the information is exhaustive or has not been modified by a third party as a result of hacking or a virus.
INOVOTION SAS declines any liability in the event of a delay, error or omission as to the content of these pages, or in the case of an interruption or non-availability of the service.
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Anyone who wishes to procure one of the services described on the website must contact INOVOTION SAS in order to check the availability of the service in question, along with the contractual conditions and prices applicable to it.
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In accordance with the French law “Loi n°78-17 du 06 janvier 1978 relative à l'informatique, aux fichiers et aux libertés” as amended, the user has a right to access, to modify, to rectify and to suppress its personal data, simply by requesting it on line at: or by post at: INOVOTION SAS, 5 Avenue du Grand Sablon, 38700 La Tronche, France.
These personal data are intended to be used by INOVOTION SAS only and INOVOTION SAS is responsible for processing and preserving such data. INOVOTION SAS undertakes to take all reasonable measures to treat such personal data in confidentiality.
Any change as may have been requested will be made in a timely manner. Whenever personal data are collected over the website, legal terms applying to the collection and/or modification of data collected will be expressly stated again.
The content of the site is subject to French law. All users acknowledge the jurisdiction of the Commercial Court of Grenoble, France for all matters regarding the content and use of the site or appeals arising therefrom.