Mar 14-14 2024



INOVOTION proudly shares a research publication in the review Frontiers in Immunology that is based in part on Inovotion’s highly efficient CAM assay by NanoMedSyn’s Morgane Daurat, Corentin Gauthier, Khaled El Cheikh, Elodie Morère, Marcel GARCIA, Marie Maynadier, and Ilaria Basile, and from the Institut des Biomolécules Max Mousseron (IBMM) – Université de Montpellier: Lamiaa Ali, Nadir Bettache, Magali Gary-Bobo, and Alain Morère.

The publication is titled: “Engineered therapeutic antibodies with mannose 6-phosphate analogues as a tool to degrade extracellular proteins” in Frontiers in Immunology.

In this study, INOVOTION’s CAM model was used to measure the angiogenesis induced by MDA-MB-231 cancer cells and the in vivo efficacy of BVZ-AMFA2 on angiogenesis.
Download the article here:

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The full set of peer-reviewed publications made possible through Inovotion’s unique CAM model is available here:

preclinical oncology angiogenesis drugdiscovery


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