Mar 7 2024
We are very proud to announce a recent publication by Philippe Collery with Chloé Prunier, R&D Project Manager at Inovotion, in Anticancer Research: Effectiveness of Rhenium(I)-diselenoether Low Doses in a Triple-negative Breast Cancer Chicken Embryo Model
Authors: Philippe Collery: Société de Coordination de Recherches Thérapeutiques; Chloe Prunier, Emilien Dosda, Jean Viallet: Inovotion; Adhikesavan Harikrishnan: Vinayaka Missions Research Foundation; Vijay Veena:Jain University, and Didier Desmaele: Institut Galen.
The paper describes how contradictory results using the mouse model were elucidated using Inovotion’s Chorioallantoic Membrane (CAM) model. It clearly shows the benefits of Inovotion’s in vivo assay, which is faster, more affordable, more sensititve, and more reliable than mouse assays, yet is not considered to be animal testing.
The paper is available here:
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